SAP Dashboard Application
A project which offers the Dashboard application for SAP System e.g. S4HC, SAC, BW ...
Angular Developer With 6 Years experience on web development.
A project which offers the Dashboard application for SAP System e.g. S4HC, SAC, BW ...
Angular application which offers a Material Lite style dashboard for SAP System e.g. S4HC, SAC, BW ...
A project which offers the Todo application implemented using MVC concept in the Angular2 framework and TypeScript development language.
A project which shows my daily logs using the 'typed.js'.
OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Facebook, GitHub, and YaaS.
The detail can be found in article OAuth2 with YaaS
BSOD is a project which shows my daily logs using the ‘typed.js’.
If you are interesting in those web visualization, please send message to me.